What makes an entrepreneur successful? That's a loaded question but in my experience there is one trait that sticks out; the successful entrpreneur is always looking for problems (i.e. gaps) to solve (i.e fill). If you are a true entrepreneur, you probably come up with about half-a-dozen ideas per … [Read more...]
5-Fantastic Tips to a Successful Elevator Pitch for Your Small Business
Picture this…you’re a small business owner and you’re the only one waiting for an elevator in the lobby of a building, the door opens, you enter the elevator and then…Mr. Rufus shows up! Who’s Mr. Rufus? Well, he represents your biggest potential client. If Mr. Rufus buys what you’re selling, it … [Read more...]
Fab-5 Presentation Tips to Grow Your Small Business
As a small business owner (or even someone who works in Corporate Canada, for that matter), coming up with a business (or idea) is the easy part. The hard part is presenting your business or… selling it. When I meet small business owners, the first question I ask is: “what do you do?” or “what is … [Read more...]