Does my business need a mobile app to stay competitive? You must be wondering if mobile apps are a trend or a reality? Consider this first, in a survey reported by The Canadian Press in July 2013, 56% of Canadian adults were using a smartphone (up from 33 percent in early 2012). Mobile usage is not … [Read more...]
How and Where to Make Money in 2013
The turn of the calendar is always a good time to reflect on business strategy, growth and even new business opportunities. I have definitely seen many trends develop and start taking shape in the small-business sphere in 2012 that will have impact on how you market your business in 2013. I … [Read more...]
INFOGRAPHIC – Mobile Web Marketing
Use of mobile devices has exponentially grown in the past 12-18 months which means small businesses need to adjust their Internet marketing strategy, more specifically, their mobile marketing strategy. Below is a great infographic on why your business needs to adjust your online marketing … [Read more...]